CHOAM Token’s AMA with Vladimir Vencalek on 17/09/2021

On September 17, 2021, Vladimir Vencalek met the Callisto Community and answered questions about CHOAM Token.
Here is the recap.
Admin: Ladies and gentlemen, AMA with Vladimir Vencalek, CEO of Callisto Network and Invictus Solution’s founder STARTS NOW!
Please be respectful, give Vladimir the time to respond, and do not repeat questions.
Thank you 🙏
Vladimir: Hello, let’s go!
How much emission of CHOAM will be?
Vladimir: 15M each token represents 1 USD, so the total maximum is 15M USD.
And how much tokens will sell in presale phase?
Vladimir: Right now there is a 20 percent premium in presale, in public sale it will be 18 percent for first month, then 15,10,5,0 each month.
First let me thank you Vladimir for having this AMA on Choam Token with us. With that out of the way let me ask about Choam.
Obviously, I did some research on Invictus Mining when you officially joined Callisto a year ago but I never knew that Invictus had originally planned to offer Choam Token in May 2017. I haven’t seen that you actually started it though. I, unfortunately, don’t have a mining contract with Invictus Mining (always sold out) so I can’t see if it’s used within Invictus Mining to compute a person’s hash power but it appears that was Invictus original concept.
1) Can you explain if there is already a CHOAM token and the relationship to the announced STO?
2) Will the STO Choam Token be linked to the hash power on new mining contracts?
3) For those of us that may live in Canada or USA when will Choam Token be available to us?
Again, thank you for the AMA but even more so being a very active CEO in community as well as behind closed doors. You sir have earned the respect and I speak for many in the community and I look forward to my long term investment with Callisto as well as future projects created
Vladimir: 1. We had different legal contracts but with the same formula that was calculating interest so we decided to push it first and were thinking to have the token already in 2018, I think.
2. Yes its connected to mining with transparent formula. Its connected to a new data center in powerplant near Prague that will be finished in Q2 2022.
3. No, any country where it can be considered as security will be blacklisted :(
Are private sale CHOAM tokens purchased with CLO?
Vladimir: Any CHOAM tokens can be purchased only by CLO.
And the price in invictus will be constant? 1 USD? Or it in the first month
Vladimir: We don't specify the price as the price can fluctuate but is backed by real servers and real datacenter behind so the price should be at least 1 USD.
Also, CHOAM Token will be listed on SOY.Finance.
Hello. First when you create your project. Will you consider community feedback and demands?
Vladimir: There will be a limited voting mechanism for CHOAM owners. The investor, who will buy CHOAM. Is he able to sell it at any time or he should lock it for receiving dividends.
And how often dividends will be paid?
Vladimir: Interest is paid each month in CLO coins, There is no lockup.
A follow-up just to clarify the entire STO of $15million USD will flow through CLO?
Vladimir: Yes
If you will not collect 15 mln in nearest time with the community. Do you have a plan where find money to realize the project?))
Vladimir: We can make the project even without the STO, but decided to do it as it supports community and CLO ecosystem.
Could you answer) what will you do with CLO, which will payed for CHOAM?) Do you planning it to sell on the market immediately?) I hope you understand my concern)
Vladimir: We don't need immediate liquidity but at some point, we plan to sell it (not at once…) :)
We will most likely use OTC deals…
What services will be tied to CHOAM? Only 3 data centers or in general the entire development of the Invictus company?
Vladimir: To CHOAM only 1 data center in the power plant other data centers and other activities are financed from group or from private investors.
Then I have such a question. Will the profit of this data center go to its development or to create, for example, new ones to which CHOAM will no longer have a relationship?
Interested in your forecast. what can investors in a token expect? to distribute the income of a new data center worth 15 million or to fully develop and increase capitalization.
Vladimir: There is an exact formula for what CHOAM token owners will get, we will share it next week as the texts are translated from Czech to English.
How long time, do you expect this data center will be working. And is it only mining service?
Vladimir: 5–10 years. The interest is paid based on mining of Ethereum.
What will be with token after that period?)
Vladimir: We will pay in USD what was put in and the tokens burned, I mean in USD value, and pay in CLO….
What will be the intended use of the token?
Vladimir: It represents legal agreement with Invictus Solutions that interest will be paid and in case you decide on some conditions returned the initial value you put in and the token will be burned in that case.
Can we buy it now?
Vladimir: Yes.
Is a private presale close or there is a chance to get in?
Vladimir: Private presale ends on 12.10.
How can we buy it?
Vladimir: You have to go through KYC, which we will publish next week, and you contact Agreements have to be signed.
By the way, the data center will be mining the most profitable coins and if it's not CLO then we will need to sell them and buy CLO on market to pay interest every month…
How many wallet addresses on the Callisto network exist so far? There was no easy way to find out on the explorer, tried scrolling 162 pages so far … crossed 8K addresses, maybe more are there …
I would request to add a simple address count in BOLD on the top of the Accounts tab of the explorer page, which would attract more new comers.
Vladimir: CLO Wallet addresses: 59,707,340.

You said CHOAM will be listed on SOY do you have a date on that and as a follow on will there be additional pairing for both CHOAM and other coins?
Vladimir: I would say we will ask SOY to list at some time finishing the STO.
Hello. Do you plan listings of CHOAM on other exchanges except soy?
Vladimir: No.
Can choam like security be listed on DEX?
Vladimir: It can if the token has whitelisting of addresses. I don't think CHOAM token should be for speculation on its price, it is for people that are interested in interest per month.
Vladimir, when is the active use of the CLOE token planned and is there a preliminary list of partners who want to use our network to carry out off-chain transactions?
Vladimir: CLOE is being implemented in all thinks Callisto Enterprise is doing, for example, you can pay 5 percent from CHOAM token in CLOE.
Seems like the Callisto app on the Ledger device seems obsolete and can not connect to the web wallet to Ledger directly due to recent security changes of Ledger connections. The workaround is connecting it thru Metamask+Ledger+LedgerLive on PCs. Any plans for updating the Callisto app ledger? If there is none I would remove the Ledger option from the web wallet. I learned it hard way last night.
Vladimir: I use ledger, I have no issues, but we have some waiting update on wallet.
Are there currently partners with whom projects and the use of the CLOE token are planned?
Vladimir: Yes. Some projects are under NDA so I can't name them, but soon we will go out with the cyborg league, and some other names as well. (few weeks…).
1 CHOAM is equal to how many hash on mining?
Vladimir: 1 CHOAM is 1 USD in servers its hard to calculate the MH/s as its formula that works with unlimited time and we need to calculate reserve fund to buy new HW after 5 years
1 CHOAM 1 USD (not including the presale discount) = 1 CHOAM current exchange rate CLO to USD = 1 USD …
Thx, and for this Lasts months what is % each month in interests?
Vladimir: We estimate based on similar products that it will be around 6–40 percent per year.
So, and when will started paying of devidends? From October 2021 or after starting data center?
Vladimir: End of Q2 2022 that's why there is a discount on token price before… 20 percent now till 13.10.21 then 18,15,10,5,0.
Another feature request is to come up a with simple Cold Staking Calculator embaed into v2 staking page. After entering the number of coins and number of rounds are selected, an approximate estimation of total rewards would be great info to show before they commit for cold staking.
Vladimir: Great idea.
Is the date of the SOY token IDO known?
Vladimir: 2–3 week of October.
Will CHOAM be launched on soy for sale after pre-sale?
Vladimir: Yes.
Will it start to be traded directly on Soy.Finance after the sale?
Vladimir: Yes.
As I understand so far the CHOAM token represents a calculated hash power to mine CLO coins on Callisto Network for the holders? The concept is something similar to the Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Tokens (BTCST), right?
Vladimir: We don't focus in that datacenter on CLO mining, we focus on the most profitable crypto, if it will be CLO then we will mine CLO.
How do we get the interest income?
Vladimir: In CLO. CHOAM users will have their tokens on balances. There will be a “snapshotting” feature in the token contract so that it can take snapshots when necessary.
We will do snapshot at some date of the month, if you have tokens on your address you will get rewards.
How many tokens will be distributed and how much is total supply
Vladimir: 15 Million.
Do you have any analysis? how much money can you raise through choam?)
Vladimir: We estimate we will get around 5–7 M USD in presale and the rest in public sale.
If I add Soy.Finance to the liquidity pool, will there be interest income again?
Vladimir: :D haha good stuff, if it will be possible then yes. Need to ask SOY guys if it will be possible.
Haha that's good you would get interested from tokens and as well from soy fees.
Is this the correct contract address of the CHOAM token? 0x0a3b3772Af6091793b7c88C7aE330E4505094A69.
Vladimir: I need to ask Dexaran.
What does “CHOAM” mean? It is an acronym?
Vladimir: We just really like Dune.
Is possible to say in a private sale the price of each token now? With discount.
Vladimir: It's 0,8 USD per token. 0,8 USD is now price in the presale.
U speak Russian? ))
Vladimir: Yes I was born in Moscow but live in Prague…
Maybe then you can hold an AMA for the Russian community ??
Vladimir: I cant write much in Russian… I can read and speak like 7y old :D
The cost CHOAM in CLO calculated at the moment of transaction or how?
Vladimir: We will recalculate each day in presale and in public sale, we will have a connection to an oracle.
Soon any list on major trading platform?
Vladimir: We are in the process with multiple interesting platforms, we don't know if they approve us or not…
is Safemoon exchange one of them ?
Vladimir: I don't know I'm not in charge of listings.
Any way to earn choam?
Vladimir: No. We need to build the data center so we must get the money to do it :)
Besides money, what are the requirements to get listed?
Vladimir: Depends on exchange.
So, if you will mine not CLO, you should buy on a market CLO for dividends. How much in USD it could be, approximately of course ;)
Vladimir: 6–40 percent from 15 M USD per year…
Vlad, You should consider approaching Crypterium CRPT team in Russia, it will be a win-win for both if Crypterium switches or implements to Callisto Network.
Vladimir: We are discussing with multiple projects that are considering moving, we can approach Crypterium.
Just give them our contacts and we will talk to them.
Thanks for everything you and the team do @cReepass, Thank you for your responsiveness. we believe you.
Hi, what’s the situation with CYT and Yohan Graterol is he on the team? Why did CYT leave Callisto?
Vladimir: I can't comment much on CYT as I'm not part of the team so I would recommend asking them, but from what I know they didn't leave CLO, just have a lot of work now…
Have you thought about changing the Callisto logo? I think that a dog has potential to work. Or a cat.
Vladimir: Small kids and sexy girls work too :)
Thank you for this nice AMA, guys.
Admin: Thank you for attending this AMA Callistonians, unfortunately, time is over.
Thank you @cReepass for your time!
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